There really is no other day of the year that I actually feel is either completely loathed or loved by so many!

Yes – if you are in love – Valentine’s Day is supposedly – THE DAY of LOVE!  Well, if you reading this post, you are:

1) Engaged and in love – so you probably dig Valentine’s Day!

2) A Wedding Professional that just just digs love as it is part of your daily life and work

3)Looking for ideas for Valentine’s Day and this is what popped up in your search

I personally love Valentine’s Day, not because I am insanely in love with my husband (which I am) – but because of the art that I feel is created in the name of love for Valentine’s Day. Take for example the photo that is  above…I found it online from a high school newspaper in Los Angeles!  Just typed in the world “Love” and there it popped up in google images.  A beautiful image posted with a poem about love.

But for those of you that hate the V day – I have some ideas for ya! Before you start to rant about how much you hate Valentine’s Day – try to focus on what you do love…then maybe Valentine’s Day can be centered around that.  If you love to write, vow to make Valentine’s Day the day you write.  If you love to read, read your favorite book every year on Valentine’s Day.  If you are a photographer – take photos of the things you love.

Valentine’s Day does not have to be commercialized or sweet and delicious like a box full of chocolates.  It can just be a day about you – whether you are engaged or not.  Yes – it is the day of love…but why can’t we love ourselves on Valentine’s Day as well as our siginificant others?  Maybe instead of expecting a gift from the one you love – just get one for yourself!   Maybe something you actually need and have been holding off on. I am assuming you will be way less disappointed as most Valentine’s Day gifts can be a little “underwhelming” or packed full of calories!  Unless, of course, you got that big ‘ole diamond today!

If today is the day that your man or your woman popped the question – let this blog post remind you that although that precious gift is one that you will wear for a lifetime – it is not necessarily what Valentine’s Day is all about .  It’s about love!  You can make Valentine’s Day all about your man or your woman being so desperately in love with you – that they are willing to risk everything to spend the rest of their lives together with you!  And then…don’t forget that – every Valentine’s Day!

Now that – my friends – is ART!  Again (to me) that is what Valentine’s Day is all about!

Being married and being in love is Art…you never stop learning how to love yourself or the people around you.  Ask anyone who is an artist – you can never stop in the pursuit of perfecting your art!

I’m off to hang out with the two most wonderful men in the world today: My Hubby and my son!  They are both, truly pieces of beautiful artwork to me!

Happy Valentine’s Day!
