When we hit February, we all think: “OMG – it’s time to plan for the big V”!

My hopes are that this year, after reading my blog for a while, you will come up with some interesting ways to make your Valentine’s Day green.  This means – no buying 40 cards for your various friends or all of your children’s friends (if you are married already)  I have this very problem with my son being 9 years old.  This year, we are buying his teacher a gift certificate to her favorite store (she is the best) and giving all of his little school friends something other than paper.  A few ideas: Eco-friendly pencils, soy or recycled crayons (like the ones pictured here) and we are pondering a few other crafty ideas.

But I will make recommendations for some eco-friendly chocolate!

Divine Chocolate is actually based right here in the DC area – to learn more about their fair trade chocolates – click on one of the bars above and buy now to get them in time for Valentine’s Day!

When dining out for Valentine’s Day – check to see if your restaurant is Green Restaurant Certified or if they are using local farmers and fisherman for the freshest local fare while giving back to your own community.  I will try to create a nice list for you before Valentine’s Day for DC area restaurants that I frequent!

And last but not least, have the best eco-breath ever with Tom’s Wicked Fresh.  We are giving away a few tubes on the Eco-Beautiful Weddings Blog today (today is the last day).  It’s so easy – get over there to win (click below to find out how)!

Be sure to surf alllll the wedding blogs on Valentine’s Day as they will all be cooking up something cute for you that day.  They will be brimming with Valentines’ Day ideas and cute wedding ideas for your wedding planning pleasure.  We will surely have at least 2 more posts about Valentine’s Day as we know so many of you out there will get engaged that day!

Oh and since we are talking about the day of love…I am very excited on this 2/2/2011 as my nephew is being born!  Stay tuned for some gushing Auntieland photos with Lil Tommy the 3rd!
