whitney lee

OK – I am in love with these photographers from Austin, Texas.  Their logo is cute.  Their photos are cute.  They, themselves, are freakin’ cute!  Because of them, I am going to start a section on my blog called “Cutie Patooties”.  Every week, I am going to proclaim someone as a Cutie Patootie!  I am sure at some point I will come up with an actual statuette that they can display on their mantels at home.  I will have to ponder that for a moment.  Not only are they cute, but they seem to have super cute clients (also cutie patootie material).  Take a peek:

cake-whitney-leecute-whitney-legreen-shoes- whitney-leebridal-bouquet-whitney-leegreen-whitney-leecake-2-whitney-lee

So – I hope you will look forward to my Cutie Patootie posts and recommend any Cutie Patooties you know!

Stay Cute!

~Katie Martin